Kaltheuner Consulting
Market Research and Strategic Consulting for the ProAV Industry

Innovation Management:   Get in the driver seat

In ProAV innovation happens at a pace that can easily overstress manufacturers as well as customers and users. In the past, 'the doable' mostly made sense by itself because it added features and possibilities and solved real critical problems. In the modern world of digital omnipotence 'the doable' has become ubiquitous, inflationary, risky or even just improper.

Users and customers in ProAV don't live in the same space as consumers do. They must deliver shows, events, experiences at superior quality with highest reliability. The tools they are using must support very demanding intuitive processes and workflows.

So, the times have been changing: Innovation must be meaningful to ProAV users and customers. And again, it is the psychology of the market that determines the success.
As a manufacturer you should not let the dynamic for innovation from others determine your business and make yourself feel like 'always behind'. You should consider getting into the driver seat and make educated, insight based decisions about your innovation into this industry.

I can show ways to structure your processes around innovation and help with finding the right decisions.

Get in touch for more information.

